WRA High School Senior Portrait - Connor is off to The Ohio State UniversitySo Connor is off to The Ohio State University! I'm so glad that I got to do Connor's high school senior portrait. Connor spent his high school years at the historic Western Reserve Academy in Hudson, OH. The WRA campus is beautiful just about any time of year and is such a great place to take photos. I wanted to make sure that I captured the essence of the WRA campus as well as to capture Connor in parts of the campus where he spent much time as a student.
Akron Senior Portrait Photographer,
Brian Corrigan Photography,
Cleveland Senior Portrait Photographer,
High School Senior Portrait Photographer,
Hudson OH Photographer,
Tom Semple(non-registered)
Brian, thanks for doing a great job with Connor's pictures and for putting this together. Because you are a "fan," I will share with you the part of Connor's high school career of which I am most proud: Vimeo.com/127606989. Thanks!
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